Hends Ice Chenille 4mm Olive


Ice Chenille 4mm Olive product has a very wide range of uses, especially for larger lures such as streamers, for still water flies – lures, bobies, blobs.Ice

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Ice Chenille 4mm Olive

Ice Chenille 4mm Olive product has a very wide range of uses, especially for larger lures such as streamers, for still water flies – lures, bobies, blobs.Ice

There is two materials in the chenille the first with an UV sheen that gives the material an blue shine, and the second material in transparent colours.

How to use materials when you are Tying flies 

Wooly Bugger

When you tie an Wooly Bugger fly use a Streamer hook tie in your tail section with some CMF Marabou https://www.cmffly.co.za/product-category/shop-by-brand/cmf-fly-fishing/cmf-feathers/cmf-marabou/ in the colour that you prefer, add a layer of thread to the hook then coat the thread with a bit of supa glue, take some Hends Lead Wire add a thin layer to your hook shank, take some thread and cover the lead wire so that you would have a smooth body over the length of the hook.

Damsel Flies

When tying Damsel flies add a bit of super glue to the thread that you have on the hook then take an clump of the CMF Marabou, put the material on top of the hook where the supa glue is then take the thread tie in the tail section then tie in your chenille,

Take your Hends Ice Chenille 4 mm Olive and pull some of the materials from the end to expose the inner string, tie in the material and wind it forward to the eye of the hook.

When tying flies of size 14 to Size16 use the 4mm Chenille and hooks size 10 to size 14 use the 6 mm Chenille and for hook size 6 to size 8 use the 10 mm Chenille.

Hends products

Catch Me If You Can Fly Fishing is the importers and distributors of Hends in South Africa, have a look on the Hends website https://www.hendsproducts.cz/cs/ if there is anything you need please get in contact with CMF Fly