CMF Painted Tungsten Beads Fluorescent Yellow




CMF Painted Tungsten Beads Fluorescent Yellow

The CMF Painted Tungsten Beads Fluorescent Yellow each pack of beads contains 20 Beads

Beads may very in size due to the powder coating

The use of CMF Brass Beads with Caddis, Streamer, Nymph and wet flies when you would like the flies to sink but not very fast almost like insect that is diving in the water, you can use CMF Brass Beads they are available in Metal Finish (Gold, Silver, Black Nickle, and Copper) Painted finish (Orange, Red, Pearl White, and Olive) Anodized finish (Olive Gold and Blue) The Anodized and Painted beads is 25 beads per pack and the Metal colours is 50 beads per pack.

Bead size to hook

  • Hook size #4-#6  you can fit bead 4.8mm to 5,5 mm
  • Hook size #6-#8  you can fit bead 4.0mm to 4.8 mm
  • Hook size #8-#10 you can fit bead 3.5mm to 4.0 mm
  • Hook size #10-#12 you can fit bead 3.0mm to 3.5 mm
  • Hook size #12-#14  you can fit bead 2.5mm to 3.0mm
  • Hook size #14-#16 you can fit bead 2.5mm to 2.0mm
  • Hook size #18-#20 you can fit bead 1.5mm to 2.0mm

Catch Me If You Can is the distributor of Hends Products in South Africa and can order any of there products

Here is a direct link CMF Brass Beads is available in size 1,5 mm up to 3,8 mm

Additional information

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Select Size

2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 4.8mm, 5.6mm