Wire, leads and Tungsten Bodies
Wire, Leads and tungsten bodies
Hends Colour wire CWF-0.14 Diameter, we have 15 colours available and can be used as ribbing on Nymph, caddis, Damsels, or even Wooly Buggers. You can even use it for the full body of flies like Brassie or even Copper John flies’
Hends Colour wire CWS-0.09 Diameter, there is 4 colours available and can be used on small flies for ribbing on Nymphs and Caddis or even Perigon flies where you will be covering the fly with UV Resin.
CMF Tungsten Bodies comes in three sizes Small, Medium, and Large. Use the CMF Tungsten Bodies on a Caddis hook to make the flies sink much faster, it will also make the flies turn upside down when tit moves thru the water. Use with the CMF Caddis hooks https://www.cmffly.co.za/product-category/shop-by-brand/cmf-fly-fishing/cmf-hooks/cmf-caddis-hooks-bl-9251/
Hends Lead wire is available in 4 different tips
- Lead wire on spooks
- Lead wire Flat
- Lead wire Half round
- Lead wire Round
Lead wire can be used to give your flies some extra weight, so that the flies can get to the bottom of the river or to the lake bead. you can also use lead wire on the bend of the hook to make the hook turn in the water so that it swims the right way round.
Catch Me If You Can Fly Fishing is the Distributors of Hends products in SA and can order any of the Hends products for you https://www.hendsproducts.cz/en/